Tuesday, November 9, 2010

23 一位9歲小男童因生長遲緩至門診求診。動脈氣體分析(arterial blood gas)顯示:pH: 7.35,PaCO2: 32 mmHg,HCO3��: 14.5 mmol/L,BE: -6.8 mmol/L,Na+: 138 mmol/L,K+: 4.4 mmol/L,Cl��: 112 mmol/L,下列那一項敘述最不正確?
此病人血中之anion gap為正常
此病人要做FeHCO3(fraction excretion of HCO3��)檢查,以確立診斷
urine之anion gap一定是正值(positive)

this patient has metabolic acidosis: evident by the low HCO3 14.5:
anion gap is : (na +k)- Cl - HCO3
The average anion gap for healthy adults is 8-12 mEq/L

Urine anion gap is calculated by subtracting the urine concentration of chloride (anions) from the concentrations of sodium plus potassium (cations):

= Na+ + K+ − Cl− - HCO3

if more HCO3 is being excreted into urine. the urine anion gap could be negative.

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