Tuesday, November 9, 2010

22 一位4週大的嬰兒被發現有黃疸及灰白便已有3週,且生化檢查發現其血清總膽紅素為10.2 mg/dL,直接型膽紅素為6.8 mg/dL。此病例若合併下列何種臨床表徵,則診斷為膽道閉鎖的可能性最高?
生長遲緩 性別為男性
家族成員中有人患膽道閉鎖 多重脾症候群

Patients with biliary atresia can be subdivided into 2 distinct groups:

those with isolated biliary atresia (postnatal form), which accounts for 65-90% of cases,

and patients with associated situs inversus or polysplenia/asplenia with or without other congenital anomalies (fetal/embryonic form), comprising 10-35% of cases.

Extrahepatic biliary atresia is more common in females than in males.

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