Saturday, June 18, 2011

55 下列有關降血脂藥物對血中HDL或LDL含量影響之描述何者錯誤?
Fibric acid可減低血中LDL-C含量 Statins可減低血中LDL-C含量
Nicotinic acid可增加血中HDL含量 Ezetimibe可增加血中HDL含量

ans D
Ezetimibe is a drug that lowers cholesterol. It acts by decreasing cholesterol absorption in the intestine.

58 下列何種藥物可以有效地治療犬絛蟲(Echinococcus granulosus)所造成的肝囊腫?
Albendazole Ivermectin Oxamniquine Niclosamide

ans A

Echinococcus granulosus, also called the Hydatid worm or Hyper Tape-worm, is acyclophyllid cestode that parasitizes the small intestine of canids as an adult

60 下列何者與penicillin G合併使用,是最有效治療腸球菌感染的藥物?
Tobramycin Gentamicin Netilmicin Streptomycin


61 下列何者為最有效治療多重抗藥菌株M. tuberculosis對streptomycin有抗藥性的首選藥物?
Amikacin Spectinomycin Gentamicin Clarithromycin


62 下列全身麻醉劑中,何者的化學結構類似phencyclidine(PCP),容易引起惡夢及類神經異常現象?
Propofol Fentanyl Etomidate Ketamine

ketamine nightmare!

67 下列何種因素會降低吸入性全身性麻醉劑的誘導速率?
增加吸入性氣體中藥物濃度比例 增加肺泡換氣速率
麻醉藥物血中溶解度較高 降低心輸出量
solubiliy in blood

think in terms of ratio
gas vs liquid
higher gas = faster

68 下列敘述何者正確?
氣喘發作時,應該選擇β2-adrenergic receptor活化劑,如timolol,以便即時擴張氣管
Scopolamine因能活化muscarinic ACh受體,故可減輕暈車、暈船等中樞神經系統引起之嘔吐

ans A

timolol is non selective!

69 下列何種藥物是經由抑制muscarinic receptor而達到治療irritable bowel syndrome的作用?
Bethanechol Pirenzepine Tropicamide Clidinium

ans D
Clidinium bromide (INN) is an anticholinergic drug.

Bethanechol is a parasympathomimetic choline ester that selectively stimulates muscarinic receptors without any effect on nicotinic receptors.

tropicamide is an antimuscarinic drug that produces short acting mydriasis (dilation of thepupil) and cycloplegia[1] when applied as eye drops.

Pirenzepine (Gastrozepin) is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, as it reduces gastric acid secretion and reduces muscle spasm. It is in a class of drugs known as muscarinic receptor antagonists - acetylcholine being the neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system which initiates the rest-and-digest state (as opposed to fight-or-flight), the result being an increase in gastric motility and digestion. It has no effects on the brain and spinal cord as it cannot diffuse through the blood-brain barrier.

72 Indomethacin具有子宮鬆弛的作用,主要是經由何種機轉而來?
刺激adenylyl cyclase 刺激β-adrenergic receptor
抑制cyclooxygenase 抑制phospholipase A2

Indometacin (INN) or indomethacin (USAN and former BAN) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug commonly used to reduce fever, pain, stiffness, and swelling. It works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins,

73 下列四環黴素中,何者較易有“光敏感”(photosensitization)的副作用?
demeclocycline doxycycline oxytetracycline minocycline

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