Saturday, November 20, 2010

9 張先生56歲,因嚴重心臟衰竭至急診處,胸部X光及臨床診察變化為:肺充血(lung congestion) Kerley B line 腹水、肝腫大 下肢水腫(edema),則下列何者是最確切的右心衰竭特點?

ans 腹水、肝腫大 下肢水腫(edema)= more severe, so you can be sure to say that it is the right heart failure.

in lung congestion: this is the left heart failure.


11 承上題,對於這位病患的不整脈,下列何種治療最為恰當?ATRIAL FIBRILLATION
Adenosine I.V. bolus Verapamil I.V. bolus D.C. cardioversion Digoxin I.V. bolus



12 下列何種抗心律不整藥物之作用機轉與K(potassium)channel無關?
Quinidine Propafenone Sotalol Amiodarone


Mechanism of action

Propafenone works by slowing the influx of sodium ions into the cardiac muscle cells, causing a decrease in excitability of the cells.

ClassKnown asExamplesMechanismClinical uses [5]
Iafast-channel blockers(Na+) channel block (intermediate association/dissociation)
Ib(Na+) channel block (fast association/dissociation)
Ic(Na+) channel block (slow association/dissociation)
IIBeta-blockersbeta blocking
Propranolol also shows some class I action
IIIK+ channel blocker

Sotalol is also a beta blocker[6]

IVslow-channel blockersCa2+ channel blocker
VWork by other or unknown mechanisms (Direct nodal inhibition).Used in supraventricular arrhythmias, especially in Heart Failure with Atrial Fibrillation, contraindicated in ventricular arrhythmias.

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