Monday, November 15, 2010

46 下列有關polymyositis的敘述,那一項較不可能?
 須考慮connective tissue disease的可能性
大多數病人有proximal muscle weakness
大多數病人在proximal limbs會麻木(numbness)

ans d

sensory problem is not involved!!!!!

dermatomyositis and polymyositis = association with carcinoma

Polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), and inclusion body myositis (IBM) are the major members of a group of skeletal muscle diseases called the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies

In both polymyositis and dermatomyositis, immune-mediated muscle inflammation and vascular damage occur. In polymyositis, the immune system is primed to act against previously unrecognized muscle antigens. This is a T-cell – mediated autoimmune process. In dermatomyositis, complement-mediated damage to endomysial vessels and microvasculature of the dermis occurs.

Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: clinical features

Clinical FeaturesDermatomyositisPolymyositisInclusion Body Myositis
Age at onsetChildren/adultsAdults (> 18 years)Adults (> 80 years)
SexF = MF > MM > F
Ethnic groupAllAll, HLA restriction according to raceWhites > blacks, ethnic clusters
Familial associationNoNoYes
Other disordersNeoplasm, CTD, autoimm. dis.Autoimm. dis., viral infectionsCTD, viral infections
Main clinical manifestationsCutaneous* and muscle weakness: symmetrical prox. legs > arms neck flexors > neck extensors, myalgiaMuscle weakness: symmetrical prox. legs > arms neck flexors > neck extensorsMuscle weakness: symmetrical prox. legs > arms asymmetric prox./distal leg and arm muscle, wrist/fingers flexors ≥ deltoids
EMGMyopathicMyopathicMyopathic or neurogenic
Muscle enzymesHigh or normalHighNormal or high
Muscle biopsyPerifascicular atrophy infiltrates, capillary alterations non-necrotic muscle fibersEndomysial inflammatory cell infiltrates surrounding and invadingEndomysial inflammatory cell infiltrates surrounding and invading non-necrotic muscle fibers, vacuolated m. fibers
Response to immunosuppressionYesYesNo

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