Tuesday, November 9, 2010

38 一位五歲小女孩來診間,顯得焦躁不安,皮膚乾燥且在臉部與全身出現許多苔癬化斑塊伴隨鱗屑和抓痕,尤其是四肢彎曲處更為明顯,據母親所述,小女孩皮膚從小就不好,請根據以上所述,下列何者錯誤?
此疾病急性期與Th1細胞(typeⅠ T-helper cell)所分泌的interferon-γ和tumor necrosis factor-α增加有密切關聯
若合併有頭髮異常,應考慮Netherton syndrome

answer is C

this is a case about atopic dermatitis
The immune hypothesis invokes an imbalance in the T lymphocytes, with TH 2 cells predominating; this results in cytokine production of interleukins 4, 5, 12, and 13 and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, causing an increase in IgE and lowered interferon gamma levels. Later, in persons with chronic atopic dermatitis, the TH 1-type cells predominate. Other cell types are also involved in the process, including eosinophils, Langerhans cells, keratinocytes, and B cells.

Netherton syndrome

What is Netherton syndrome?

Netherton syndrome is a rare inherited disorder that presents with the three following characteristics:

  • Ichthyosiform erythroderma – inflamed, red, scaly skin
  • Trichorrhexis invaginata (“bamboo hair”) – short, brittle, lustreless hair
  • Atopic diathesis – predisposition to allergy problems

Individuals with Netherton syndrome may show some or all of these features with varying degrees of severity of their symptoms.

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