Friday, November 12, 2010

34 血中腎上腺素(epineprine)濃度上升時會抑制肝臟或肌肉的何種代謝作用?
肝臟的糖解作用(glycolysis) 肌肉的糖解作用
肝臟的葡萄糖新生作用(gluconeogenesis) 肌肉的肝糖分解作用(glycogenolysis)

answer A

Muscle PK (M-type) is not regulated by the same mechanisms as the liver enzyme. Extracellular conditions that lead to the phosphorylation and inhibition of liver PK, such as low blood glucose and high levels of circulating glucagon, do not inhibit the muscle enzyme. The result of this differential regulation is that hormones such as glucagon and epinephrine favor liver gluconeogenesis by inhibiting liver glycolysis, while at the same time, muscle glycolysis can proceed in accord with needs directed by intracellular conditions.

epinephrine: get sugar from the muscle!!!!! priortitzed!

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