Thursday, November 25, 2010

25 評估血液透析劑量是否足夠,最常用的指標為:
再循環速率(recirculation rate) KT / V
血液流速(blood flow rate) 透析液流速(dialysate flow rate)

In medicine, Kt/V is a number used to quantify hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatment adequacy.
K - dialyzer clearance of urea
t - dialysis time
V - volume of distribution of urea, approximately equal to patient's total body water

27 對於肝腎症候群(hepatorenal syndrome)之敘述,下列何者錯誤?
肝硬化(liver cirrhosis)的病人在抽腹水(paracentesis)時,不要過量,以免造成肝腎症候群


29 一位26歲女性5年來時常感到疲倦及食慾不振,偶而會有關節痛及頭痛。她自己發現左手腕的脈搏很微弱。理學檢查發現左、右兩側的血壓相差有32 mmHg之多,附圖為該患者的MRA檢查。最有可能的診斷為何?
Rheumatic valvular heart disease
Takayasu arteritis
Aortic aneurysm

Takayasu's arteritis (also known as "Aortic arch syndrome", "Nonspecific Aortoarteritis" and "Pulseless disease"[1]:841) is an inflammatory disease with an unknown cause. It affects the aorta, the main blood vessel from the heart, as well as the blood vessels that attach to it. Although it has been reported worldwide, it is more common in young Asian women. Females are about 8-9 times more likely to get it than males.[2] People usually get the disease between 15 and 30 years of age.

It is also known as "Pulseless disease" because pulses on the upper extremities, such as the wrist pulse, may not be palpable.

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