The differential diagnosis of normal anion gap acidosis is relatively short (when compared to the differential diagnosis of acidosis):
- Hyperalimentation
- Acetazolamide and other carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
- Renal tubular acidosis[1]
- Diarrhea
- Ureteroenteric fistula - an abnormal connection (fistula) between a ureter and the gastrointestinal tract
- Pancreaticoduodenal fistula - an abnormal connection between the pancreas and duodenum
It can be remembered with the mnemonic HARD-UP.[2]
As opposed to high anion gap acidosis (which involves increased organic acid production), normal anion gap acidosis involves either increased production ofchloride (hyperchloremic acidosis) or increased excretion of bicarbonate.
28 下列臨床或實驗室之檢查皆為評估類風濕性關節炎活性之指標,那一項最無法反應疾病活性(disease activities)?
Rheumatoid factors C-reactive protein
Number of tender joints Patient’s global assessment of pain
ans A: RF!!!!!!!
33 減白的血小板(leucocyte-depleted platelet),可降低藉輸血發生下列那一種傳染疾病的機率?
Cytomegalovirus Hepatitis A virus
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1) Hepatitis C virus
CMV human herpes virus 5
34 一位患者的淋巴瘤被發現有染色體轉位t(11;14)並有BCL1的表現,此淋巴瘤最可能的分類為何?
Follicular lymphoma Mantle cell lymphoma
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Burkitt’s lymphoma
mantle cell lymphoma
Almost by definition, Burkitt's lymphoma is associated with a chromosomal translocation of the c-myc gene. This gene is found at 8q24.
35 病人輸血時發燒到38℃以上,若臨床上已經完全排除溶血反應或感染,關於此類病人的輸血反應,下列敘述何者錯誤?
選擇使用減白的血液製品(leucocyte-depleted RBC or platelet),可以減少發生的機率
ans B: not protein, it is leukocyte
38 一位55歲身體狀況一向良好的女性因左腳腫脹1週就醫。理學檢查發現左下肢腫脹,溫度比右邊稍高且靜脈明顯,但無紅疹或壓痛。此外,左鎖骨上窩處淋巴腺腫大,稍硬且固著。驗血時那一項為陽性的可能性最高?
Alpha-fetoprotein Beta-hCG CEA CA-125
AFP: entertaining liver cancer,
not the cea: although virchows node tells you malignancy is coming from the abdomen.
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