Saturday, July 23, 2011

44 大腸桿菌中DNA 聚合酶(I, II, III)的特性如附表,在下列選項中找出各個聚合酶(X, Y, Z)的名稱:
3’ exonuclease yes yes yes
5’ exonuclease no no yes
Biological ․SOS DNA repair ․Replicative ․DNA repair
Function chain ․DNA primer
elongation excision
 X = polymerase I, Y = polymerase II, Z = polymerase III
 X = polymerase I, Y = polymerase III, Z = polymerase II
 X = polymerase II, Y = polymerase I, Z = polymerase III
 X = polymerase II, Y = polymerase III, Z = polymerase I

ans D

45 因核苷酸去除修復(nucleotide excision repair)系統發生變異時所引起的兩種疾病a 及b:a. Xeroderma
pigmentosum b. Cockayne’s syndrome,這兩種疾病的病徵為:I.皮膚對光影敏感,生長衰敗,神經
系統異常 II.人類遺傳疾病,可引起皮膚癌 III.可增加乳癌和卵巢癌的風險。請選出最合適的配對:
 a-I, b-II  a-II, b-I  a-III, b-II  a-I, b-III

ans B

cancer association is with XP

49 檸檬酸循環(Citric acid cycle)中那個酵素可催化FADH2 的產生?
異檸檬酸脫氫酶(Isocitrate dehydrogenase)
蘋果酸脫氫酶(Malate dehydrogenase)
α-酮戊二酸脫氫酶(α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase)
琥珀酸脫氫酶(Succinate dehydrogenase)

ans D

51 缺乏下列何種酵素,會讓新生兒使用Chloramphenicol 時造成“Gray baby"?
 UDP-glucuronyl transferase  Cytochrome p-450
 Glutathione transferase  N-Acetyl transferase

ans A


Two pathophysiologic mechanisms are thought to play a role in the development of gray baby syndrome after exposure to the anti-microbial drug chloramphenicol. This condition is due to a lack of glucoronidation reactions occurring in the baby, thus leading to an accumulation of toxic chloramphenicol metabolites. :[2]

  1. The UDP-glucuronyl transferase enzyme system of infants, especially premature infants, is immature and incapable of metabolizing the excessive drug load.
  2. Insufficient renal excretion of the unconjugated drug.

[edit]Clinical features

Toxic levels of chloramphenicol after 2–9 days result in:


52 藥物在血漿中的濃度以“一次級的動力學"下降,則表示:

ans D

zero order is linear

64 下列藥物何者屬於Alkylating agent?
 Thioguanine  Busulfan  Bleomycin  Vincristine

ans B

67 有關fomivirsen 之敘述中,下列何者錯誤?
是一phosphorothioate oligonucleotide
主要作用為抑制病毒之DNA polymerase


It is an oligonucleotide[1] that blocks translation of viral mRNA by binding to a coding segment of a key CMV gene. It was the firstantisense antiviral approved by the FDA.[2]

70 Fluoxetine 與MAOI 併用不會產生下列何種副作用?
 tremor  sexual dysfunction  insomnia  constipation
ans D

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