Wednesday, November 10, 2010

59 下列有關隱睪症(cryptorchidism)的敘述,何者錯誤?
answer C

Most undescended palpable testes later spontaneously descend within the first 4 months of life; only 0.7%-1% of 1-year-old infants have a persistent undescended testis. Studies have shown that spontaneous descent does not occur after age 9 months. The incidence does not change between age 1 year and adulthood. However, some testes that were descended in early childhood may ascend later in life

The basis for the universal recommendation for early surgery is research showing degeneration of spermatogenic tissue and reduced spermatogonia counts after the second year of life in undescended testes. The degree to which this is prevented or improved by early orchiopexy is still uncertain.

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