Thursday, November 11, 2010

57 某孕婦在懷孕2個月時出現發燒、流鼻水、頭疼及全身性丘疹等症狀,於1星期後痊癒。8個月後,順利產下一名男嬰,此男嬰於20天後出現血小板低下(thrombocytopenia)、先天性心臟病以及腦室鈣化等病徵,該男嬰經心臟手術後情況不錯,依據以上之敘述,該母親於懷孕2個月時可能被何病原菌所感染?
巨細胞病毒(cytomegalovirus) 德國麻疹病毒(rubella virus)
流行性感冒病毒A型(influenza virus A) 單純疱疹病毒(herpes simplex virus

german measles!!!!

think 1st trimester infection!

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) can occur in a developing fetus of a pregnant woman who has contracted rubella during her first trimester. If infection occurs 0–28 days before conception, there is a 43% chance the infant will be affected. If the infection occurs 0–12 weeks after conception, there is a 51% chance the infant will be affected. If the infection occurs 13–26 weeks after conception there is a 23% chance the infant will be affected by the disease. Infants are not generally affected if rubella is contracted during the third trimester, or 26–40 weeks after conception. Problems rarely occur when rubella is contracted by the mother after 20 weeks of gestation and continues to disseminate the virus after birth.

It was discovered in 1941 by Australian Norman McAllister Gregg.

The classic triad for congenital rubella syndrome is:

Other manifestations of CRS may include:

Children who have been exposed to rubella in the womb should also be watched closely as they age for any indication of the following:

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