Wednesday, November 10, 2010

43 一位42歲女性患者,最近兩個月來出現有左邊乳頭分泌物,身體檢查無明顯硬塊,但輕壓左乳頭會於十點鐘位置出現褐色分泌物。下列何者為最可能的診斷?
纖維囊腫(fibrocystic disease) 乳管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ)
乳管擴張(ductoectasia) 乳突瘤(papilloma)

answer: papilloma

45 一位30歲男性因為車禍造成左側臉部腫脹,左上唇麻木,病人表示並沒有複視或視力模糊現象,請問下列那一個檢查是最適當的第一線檢查?
facial bone CT scan panoramic X-ray Water’s view

water's view:
Water's view,其照像的的角度特別讓頭顱底部構造不至於蓋住上頜竇,所以是為了仔細觀察上頜竇的特殊影像
b) Semi-axial projection (Water's view). Both maxillary antra are well depicted and the orbital floor with the infraorbital canal (black arrow) is separated from the orbital rim (open arrow). The sphenoid compartments can be seen through the open mouth (white arrow).

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