32 40歲的真真目前懷孕30週,是第一胎,過去無重大疾病之病史,產檢也都正常。此次產檢時血壓為150/95 mmHg,尿蛋白2+,她抱怨這幾天來常頭痛、右上腹不舒服及偶爾視力模糊,兩三天來自覺胎動減少,胎兒超音波預估體重約1000克重,她很擔心目前寶寶的情形。如果您是她產檢的醫師,下列敘述何者錯誤?
肝臟Glisson capsule受到壓力拉扯造成真真的右上腹痛,是一般孕期常見的現象
真真的腎臟血流(renal plasma flow)及腎絲球過濾率(GFR)均較同週數之正常孕婦為低
Pre-eclampsia is diagnosed when a pregnant woman develops
high blood pressure (two separate readings taken at least 6 hours apart of 140/90 or more) and
300 mg of protein in a 24-hour urine sample (proteinuria).
A rise in baseline blood pressure (BP) of 30mmHg systolic or 15mmHg diastolic, while not meeting the absolute criteria of 140/90, is still considered important to note, but is not considered diagnostic.
Swelling or edema (especially in the hands and face) was originally considered an important sign for a diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, but in current medical practice only hypertension [2] and
proteinuria are necessary for a diagnosis.
Pitting edema (unusual swelling, particularly of the hands, feet, or face, notable by leaving an indentation when pressed on) can be significant, and should be reported to a health care provider.
Diagnostic criteria for severe preeclampsia include at least one of the following:
- Systolic BP greater than 160 mm Hg or diastolic BP greater than 110 mm Hg on 2 occasions 6 hours apart with the patient at bed rest
- Proteinuria greater than 5000 mg in a 24-hour collection or more than 3+ on 2 random urine samples collected at least 4 hours apart
- Oliguria with less than 500 mL per 24 hours
- Persistent maternal headache or visual disturbance
- Pulmonary edema or cyanosis
- Concerning abdominal pain
- Impaired liver function test findings
- Thrombocytopenia
- Oligohydramnios, decreased fetal growth, or placental abruption
Eclampsia is defined as seizures in a patient with preeclampsia.
33 承上題,真真接受了全血球計數及一般生化檢查,白血球11.2 K/μL,血小板67 K/μL,血紅素10.3 g/dL,AST 160 U/L,ALT 180 U/L,LDH 950 U/L;休息後重測一次血壓為160/110 mmHg,且頭痛欲裂,進一步超音波臍帶動脈都卜勒檢查發現如下。下列敘述何者錯誤?
真真的胎兒有嚴重胎內成長遲滯的情形(fetal growth restriction)
真真的血液中soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1(sFlt1)及placental growth factor(PLGF)的數量與生物可利用性(bioavailability)皆較一般孕婦為高
真真的情形已符合嚴重子癎前症(severe preeclampsia),需要立刻進一步處置
c is definitely wrong. there is no way to arrive such diagnosis. no data avaialable.
HELLP syndrome: A syndrome featuring a combination of "
H" for hemolysis (breakage of red blood cells),
"EL" for elevated liver enzymes, and
"LP" for low platelet count (an essential blood clotting element).
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