Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3 一位60歲男性因肺癌作左側肺切除術(left pneumonectomy),那麼肺泡總順應性(total alveolar compliance),肺血管阻力(pulmonary vascular resistance),氣道傳導度(airway conductance)等生理指標與過去未做肺切除術前相比,最可能的變化為何?

answer A

total alveolar compliance : should be decreased! because we are referring to the TOTAL, since half of the lung is excised, this is expected to decrease.

vascular resistance is increased, imagine same amount of blood flowing to only 1 bucket of container while before was 2. thus, more volume, smaller space, thus increase resistance.

airway conductance should also decrease, 1/2 lung removed, less air going to lung.

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