Wednesday, November 10, 2010

20 腦動靜脈血管異常(arteriovenous malformation)的臨床表現,下列何者較少?
顱內出血(intracranial hemorrhage) 癲癇(seizure)
頭痛(headache) 步態不穩(unstable gait)

unstable gait is less likely!

Clinical presentation

Hemorrhage (53% of cases)
Acute onset of severe headache
May be described as the worst headache of the patient's life
Depending on the location of hemorrhage, may be associated with new fixed neurologic deficit
Seizure (46%)
Headache (34%)
Progressive neurologic deficit (21%)

May be caused by mass effect or ischemia resulting from local vascular steal phenomenon
Presence and nature of deficit depend on location of lesion

Pediatric patients
Heart failure
Prominent scalp veins

A 44-year-old woman presented with left-sided hemiparesis and intraventricular hemorrhage on her head CT. This axial T2-weighted MRI shows arteriovenous malformation nidus on the right side. The arrows demonstrate large draining veins within the right lateral ventricle.

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