Tuesday, November 9, 2010

15 小威的媽媽問醫生,小威的氣喘病那時候才會好,醫生回答,氣喘病是呼吸道組織持續的發炎反應,臨床不一定會有明顯症狀,但組織的發炎反應可能持續幾天甚至好幾年。下列造成慢性持續發炎的敘述,何者錯誤?
反覆的過敏原接觸,刺激過敏反應細胞如肥胖細胞(mast cell)、嗜伊紅性細胞(eosinophil)產生反應
第二型輔助T細胞(Th2)分泌細胞素如介白質-13(interleukin-13, IL-13)、IL-5等而使上述的過敏反應細胞存活更久
介白質-5(IL-5)會誘使肥胖細胞(mast cell)前驅物分化,而使肥胖細胞增生,進而破壞局部組織

C: is wrong: because: Interleukin 5 or IL-5 is an interleukin produced by T helper-2 cells and mast cells. Its functions are to stimulate B cell growth and increase immunoglobulin secretion. It is also a key mediator in eosinophilactivation.

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