Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10 施行腋下淋巴結廓清手術時,傷到那條神經,會造成上臂內側麻木或疼痛?
長胸神經(long thoracic nerve) 胸背神經(thoracodorsal nerve)
肋間臂神經(intercostal brachial nerve) 胸肌神經(pectoral nerve)

INTERCOSTAL BRACHIAL NERVE: is the answer. sensory branch of the intercostal nerve

the long thoracic nerve:


Due to its long, relatively superficial course, it is susceptible to injury either through direct trauma or stretch. Injury has been reported in almost all sports, typically occurring from a blow to the ribs underneath an outstretched arm. Surgically the long thoracic nerve can also be damaged during surgery for breast cancer, specifically radical mastectomies that involve removal of axillary lymph nodes.

Injuries to the nerve can result from carrying heavy bags over the shoulder for a prolonged time. There are also reports of isolated damage to this nerve as a variant of Parsonage Turner Syndrome, an autoimmunedisease.

Symptoms are often minimal – if symptomatic, a posterior shoulder or scapular burning type of pain may be reported.

A lesion of the nerve paralyses the serratus anterior to produce winged scapula, which is most prominent when the arm is lifted forward or when the patient pushes the outstretched arm against a wall. However, even winging may not be evident until the trapezius stretches enough to reveal an injury several weeks later.

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