Monday, November 15, 2010

1 有一位嬰兒出生時沒有明顯的異狀。大約3個月大時,父母覺得寶寶的肢體動得比較不好。一次感冒後咳嗽一直不好,呼吸變得困難,送到醫院檢查胸部X光發現心臟很大,抽血creatinine kinase濃度明顯上升。下列那一項後續的診斷發展最為適當?
抽血檢查acid alpha-glucosidase活性,證明為龐貝氏症(Pompe disease)

ans A

lysosomal disease!!!!!




6 先天性心臟病約占活產兒0.5-0.8%,但在新生兒合併下列狀況時,其發生率會提高10倍以上。前述現象最適合的例子為:

Trisomy 21 Maternal lupus

Persistent pulmonary hypertension Maternal smoking

answer is trisomy 21

look at what the question is asking: nor referring to prenatal

but what但在新生兒合併下列狀況時: in the new born

thus the ans trisomy 21 is the right guess.


7 無脾症(asplenia syndrome或稱right isomerism)為heterotaxy症候群的一種表現。下列敘述何者與無脾症最沒有關聯?

 常合併複雜性心臟病 血液抹片可看到紅血球內的Howell-Jolly body

較易得到細菌性感染 易合併膽道異常

ans 易合併膽道異常

howell jolly body is the RBC cells' nucleus remnant.

Lateralization disorders are divided into complete (ie, situs inversus totalis) and incomplete (ie, heterotaxy);


一位4天大男嬰出生後發現全身有blueberry muffin spot,此病童最不可能是:

 白血病(acute leukemia)

特發性血小板低下性紫斑症(idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)

Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis

先天性感染(congenital infection)



the lesion in ITP is not bluish. but rather PURPURA OR PETECHIAE

blueberry muffin spot


Prenatal infections (e.g. TORCH)
Severe anemia (e.g. Hemolytic Disease of the newborn, Hereditary spherocytosis)
Neoplastic diseases (e.g. rhabdomyosarcoma, Neuroblastoma)

Indicate extramedullary erythropoiesis


9 一位12歲血紅素H症(hemoglobin H disease)患者,曾接受脾臟切除,最近有發高燒及咳嗽情形,考慮病人可能有敗血症(sepsis)狀況,下列那種病菌較不常見於此患者身上?

Streptococcus pneumoniae Escherichia coli

Haemophilus influenzae Neisseria meningitidi

ans Escherichia coli

Absent or defective splenic function is associated with a high risk of fulminant bacterial infections, especially with encapsulated bacteria

this is the main point of this question!

In infants younger than 6 months, gram-negative enteric organisms such as Klebsiella species and Escherichia coli are the most common pathogens.

After age 6 months, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and Neisseria meningitidis may cause fulminant sepsis.


10 第8及第14染色體轉位t(8;14)和下列何者關聯性最高?


威爾姆氏腫瘤(Wilms tumor)

急性淋巴性白血病(acute lymphoblastic leukemia)

非霍杰金氏淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin lymphoma)

ans D

8;14)Burkitt lymphoma: remember that the 8 look like B

neuroblastoma : N look for myc N

review the different staging of wilms tumor

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