Inferior lumbar (Petit) triangle
The inferior lumbar (Petit) triangle is formed medially by the latissimus dorsi muscle;[3]laterally by the external abdominal oblique muscle; and inferiorly by the iliac crest. The floor of the inferior lumbar triangle is the internal abdominal oblique muscle. The fact that herniations occasionally occur here is of clinical importance.[4]
[edit]Superior lumbar (Grynfeltt) triangle
The superior lumbar (Grynfeltt) triangle is formed medially by the quadratus lumborum muscle, laterally by the internal abdominal oblique muscle, and superiorly by the 12th rib. The floor of the superior lumbar triangle is the transversalis fascia and its roof is the external abdominal oblique muscle.

Superficial laryer(淺層肌群):
是用於穩定肩胛骨(附著於肩胛骨)或移動肩關節。 movers of upper limb 記得這些肌肉都和肩胛骨有關,猜猜看附在肩胛骨有塊肉?
Intermediate layer(中層):
和呼吸有關(附著於肋骨,因此可以影響呼/吸)。 muscles for respiration 都是鋸子狀的肌肉
Deep layer(深層):
才是背部本體肌肉(附著於脊柱),用於脊柱運動(角動、旋轉) movers of trunk 這就是重頭戲,豎脊肌群在此.


Cruciate anastomosis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaCruciate anastomosis Gray's subject #155 620
The cruciate anastomosis is an anastomosis in the upper thigh of the inferior gluteal artery,the lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries, and the first perforating artery of theprofunda femoris artery. The first perforating artery is the artery that provides blood to the cruciate anastomosis. The cruciate anastomosis is clinically relevant because if there is a blockage between the femoral artery and external iliac artery, blood can reach the popliteal artery by means of the anastomosis. The route of blood is through the internal iliac, to the inferior gluteal artery, to a perforating branch of the deep femoral artery, to the lateral circumflex femoral artery, then to its descending branch into the superior lateral genicular artery and thus into the popliteal artery.
The cruciate anastomosis is so-called because it resembles a cross. Its four components are:
- inferior gluteal artery
- lateral circumflex femoral artery
- medial circumflex femoral artery
- ascending branch of first perforating artery from profunda femoris

Femoral triangle
It is bounded by:
- (superiorly) the inguinal ligament
- (medially) the medial border of the adductor longus muscle
- (laterally) medial border of the sartorius muscle [1]
Its floor is provided laterally by iliopsoas, medially by pectineus and adductor longus.[2] Its roof is formed by the fascia lata.
The femoral triangle is shaped like the sail of a ship.
Its boundaries can be remembered using the mnemonic, "SAIL" for Sartorius, Adductor longus and Inguinal Ligament. [3]
It is important as a number of vital structures pass through it, right under the skin. The following structures are contained within the femoral triangle (from lateral to medial):
- terminal part of the femoral nerve and its branches
- femoral sheath
- femoral artery and its branches
- femoral veins and its tributaries
- femoral canal, containing the deep inguinal lymph nodes (snell, 8th edition)
ROOF is formed by the skin and fascia lata

Muscles composing rotator cuff
Muscle Origin on scapula Attachment on humerus Function Innervation Supraspinatus muscle supraspinous fossa superior and middle facet of thegreater tuberosity abducts the arm Suprascapular nerve (C5) Infraspinatus muscle infraspinous fossa posterior facet of the greater tuberosity externally rotates the arm Suprascapular nerve (C5-C6) Teres minor muscle middle half of lateral border inferior facet of the greater tuberosity externally rotates the arm Axillary nerve (C5) Subscapularis muscle subscapular fossa lesser tuberosity (60%) or humeral neck (40%) internally rotates thehumerus Upper and Lower subscapular nerve (C5-C6)
Superficial laryer(淺層肌群):
是用於穩定肩胛骨(附著於肩胛骨)或移動肩關節。 movers of upper limb 記得這些肌肉都和肩胛骨有關,猜猜看附在肩胛骨有塊肉?
Intermediate layer(中層):
和呼吸有關(附著於肋骨,因此可以影響呼/吸)。 muscles for respiration 都是鋸子狀的肌肉
Deep layer(深層):
才是背部本體肌肉(附著於脊柱),用於脊柱運動(角動、旋轉) movers of trunk 這就是重頭戲,豎脊肌群在此.

Cruciate anastomosis
Cruciate anastomosis | |
Gray's | subject #155 620 |
The cruciate anastomosis is an anastomosis in the upper thigh of the inferior gluteal artery,the lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries, and the first perforating artery of theprofunda femoris artery. The first perforating artery is the artery that provides blood to the cruciate anastomosis. The cruciate anastomosis is clinically relevant because if there is a blockage between the femoral artery and external iliac artery, blood can reach the popliteal artery by means of the anastomosis. The route of blood is through the internal iliac, to the inferior gluteal artery, to a perforating branch of the deep femoral artery, to the lateral circumflex femoral artery, then to its descending branch into the superior lateral genicular artery and thus into the popliteal artery.
The cruciate anastomosis is so-called because it resembles a cross. Its four components are:
- inferior gluteal artery
- lateral circumflex femoral artery
- medial circumflex femoral artery
- ascending branch of first perforating artery from profunda femoris

Femoral triangle
It is bounded by:
- (superiorly) the inguinal ligament
- (medially) the medial border of the adductor longus muscle
- (laterally) medial border of the sartorius muscle [1]
Its floor is provided laterally by iliopsoas, medially by pectineus and adductor longus.[2] Its roof is formed by the fascia lata.
The femoral triangle is shaped like the sail of a ship.
Its boundaries can be remembered using the mnemonic, "SAIL" for Sartorius, Adductor longus and Inguinal Ligament. [3]
It is important as a number of vital structures pass through it, right under the skin. The following structures are contained within the femoral triangle (from lateral to medial):
- terminal part of the femoral nerve and its branches
- femoral sheath
- femoral artery and its branches
- femoral veins and its tributaries
- femoral canal, containing the deep inguinal lymph nodes (snell, 8th edition)
ROOF is formed by the skin and fascia lata
Muscles composing rotator cuff
Muscle | Origin on scapula | Attachment on humerus | Function | Innervation |
Supraspinatus muscle | supraspinous fossa | superior and middle facet of thegreater tuberosity | abducts the arm | Suprascapular nerve (C5) |
Infraspinatus muscle | infraspinous fossa | posterior facet of the greater tuberosity | externally rotates the arm | Suprascapular nerve (C5-C6) |
Teres minor muscle | middle half of lateral border | inferior facet of the greater tuberosity | externally rotates the arm | Axillary nerve (C5) |
Subscapularis muscle | subscapular fossa | lesser tuberosity (60%) or humeral neck (40%) | internally rotates thehumerus | Upper and Lower subscapular nerve (C5-C6) |

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