Saturday, June 18, 2011

36 常見的glycogen storage disease是因為病人缺乏glucose-6-phosphatase所造成,下列敘述何者正確?
glycogen synthesis增加

ans C
this case is refering to von Gierke's disease

Glycogen storage disease type I (GSD I) or von Gierke's disease, is the most common of the glycogen storage disease

This deficiency impairs the ability of the liver to produce free glucosefrom glycogen and from gluconeogenesis.
Since these are the two principal metabolicmechanisms by which the liver supplies glucose to the rest of the body during periods offasting, it causes severe hypoglycemia

Glucose 6-phosphatase (Glc-6-Pase) is an enzyme that hydrolyzes glucose-6-phosphateresulting in the creation of a phosphate group and free glucose.
Number↓Enzyme deficiency↓Eponym↓Incidence↓Hypo-
Muscle symptoms↓Development/ prognosis↓Other symptoms↓
GSD type Iglucose-6-phosphatasevon Gierke's disease1 in 50,000[4]- 100,000[11]birthsYesYesYesNoneGrowth failureLactic acidosis,hyperuricemia
GSD type IIacid maltasePompe's disease1 in 60,000- 140,000 births[5]NoYesNoMuscle weakness*Death by age ~2 years (infantile variant)heart failure
GSD type IIIglycogen debrancherCori's diseaseor Forbes' disease1 in 100,000 birthsYesYesYesMyopathy
GSD type IVglycogen branching enzymeAndersen diseaseNoYes,
NoNoneFailure to thrive, death at age ~5 years
GSD type Vmuscle glycogen phosphorylaseMcArdle disease1 in 100,000[12]NoNoNoExercise-induced cramps,RhabdomyolysisRenal failurebymyoglobinuria
GSD type VIliver glycogen phosphorylaseHers' disease1 in 65,000- 85,000 births[13]YesYesNoNone
GSD type VIImuscle phosphofructokinaseTarui's diseaseNoNoNoExercise-induced muscle cramps and weaknessgrowth retardationHaemolytic anaemia
GSD type IXphosphorylase kinase, PHKA2-NoNoYesNoneDelayed motor development,Growth retardation
GSD type XIglucose transporter,GLUT2Fanconi-Bickel syndromeYesYesNoNone
GSD type XIIAldolase ARed cell aldolase deficiency ? ? ?Exercise intolerance,cramps
GSD type XIIIβ-enolase- ? ? ?Exercise intolerance,crampsIncreasing intensity ofmyalgias over decades[14]Serum CK: Episodic elevations; Reduced with rest[14]
GSD type 0glycogen synthase-YesNoNoOccasionalmuscle cramping

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