Friday, June 17, 2011

18 左肺門的肺動脈位在支氣管的:
 上方 下方 前方 後方

anterior view

26 outer膝狀體核未接受下列何者投射的神經纖維?
上丘(superior colliculus) 藍斑核(locus coeruleus)
背側縫核(dorsal raphe nucleus) 視覺皮質第18區(visual cortex, area 18

and D

lateral geniculate nucleus
note: asking receiving!!!! 未接受

it project to the visual cortex

29 下列關於受精作用(fertilization)之敘述,何者正確?
 通常發生於子宮腔 在卵子產生第二極體(2nd polar body)後發生
通常在排卵後3-5天發生 可促使卵細胞(oocyte)活化

ans D

review 2nd polar body

30 肝臟中,由內胚層發育而來的是:
肝索細胞(cord of hepatic cell) 纖維組織(fibrous tissue)
造血組織(hematopoietic tissue) 庫弗氏細胞(Kupffer cell)

ans cord of hepatic cell

32 關於腦垂體的發育,下列敘述何者正確?
垂體漏斗(infundibulum)屬於腺體部分 神經垂體(neurohypophysis)為中腦衍生而來
神經外胚層發育為腦垂體前葉(anterior lobe) 腺垂體(adenohypophysis)來自口腔外胚層
and D

36 下列有關脾臟的敘述,何者正確?
圍動脈淋巴鞘(Periarterial lymphatic sheath, PALS)主要由B淋巴球構成 (should be T)
淋巴小結(lymphatic nodules)主要由T淋巴球構成 (should be B)
PALS與淋巴小結構成紅髓(red pulp)(this makes up the white pulp)
在白髓(white pulp)中淋巴組織圍繞的血管是中央動脈(central artery)
and D

red pulpMechanical filtration of red blood cells. In mice: Reserve ofmonocytes[5]
white pulpActive immune response through humoral and cell-mediated pathways.Composed of nodules, called Malpighian corpuscles. These are composed of:

Illu spleen.jpgnot
note the central artery

37 「漿細胞(plasma cell)」具有下列何種特徵?
 細胞核是扁平形,常位於細胞中央it is peripherally located
細胞內有許多平滑內質網(smooth endoplasmic reticulum)abundant rough endoplastic reticu
是由T淋巴球(T lymphocyte)分化而成 it is from B lymphocyte
分布在脾的脾索(splenic cord)

ans D

44 下列有關百日咳毒素(pertussis toxin)的敘述,何者錯誤?
 是一種外毒素(exotoxin) 藉著在細胞膜上打洞而毒殺宿主細胞
會增加呼吸道黏液的分泌 是組成百日咳疫苗的成分之一


PT is released from B. pertussis in an inactive form. Following PT binding to a cell membrane receptor, it is taken up in an endosome, after which it undergoes retrograde transport to the trans-Golgi network and endoplasmic reticulum.[15] At some point during this transport, the A subunit (or protomer) becomes activated, perhaps through the action of glutathione and ATP.[12][16] PT catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of the αi subunits of the heterotrimeric G protein. This prevents the G proteins from interacting with G protein-coupled receptors on the cell membrane, thus interfering with intracellular communication.[17] The Gi subunits remain locked in their GDP-bound, inactive state, thus unable to inhibit adenyl cyclase activity, leading to increased cellular concentrations of cAMP.

Increased intracellular cAMP affects normal biological signaling. The toxin causes several systemic effects, among which is an increased release of insulin, causing hypoglycemia. Whether the effects of pertussis toxin are responsible for the paroxysmal cough remains unknown.[18]

48 Rifampin為治療結核病的第一線藥物,其抑菌機轉為何?

 與細菌的penicillin binding protein結合,阻斷細菌細胞壁的合成


與細菌DNA-dependent RNA polymerase結合,阻斷細菌RNA合成的起始(initiation of RNA synthesis)

與細菌Dihydrofolate reductase結合,阻斷細菌葉酸的代謝路徑

ans C

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