4 頸動脈竇(carotid sinus)與頸動脈體(carotid body)是一壓力接受器(baroreceptor)與化學接受器
舌咽神經(Glossopharyngeal nerve) 頸襻(Ansa cervicalis)
副神經(Accessory nerve) 舌下神經(Hypoglossal nerve)
There are a number of functions of the glossopharyngeal nerve:
- It receives general sensory fibers (ventral trigeminothalamic tract) from the tonsils, the pharynx, the middle ear and the posterior 1/3 of the tongue.
- It receives special sensory fibers (taste) from the posterior one-third of the tongue.
- It receives visceral sensory fibers from the carotid bodies.
- It supplies parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland via the otic ganglion.
- It supplies motor fibers to stylopharyngeus muscle, the only motor component of this cranial nerve.
- It contributes to the pharyngeal plexus.
5 實施中心靜脈壓(CVP)注射時,須摸到股動脈脈搏,在何處下針?
脈搏處內側 脈搏處外側 脈搏處 脈搏處下方
VAN = lateral to medial

15 下列何者為尿道外括約肌(external urethral sphincter)所在處?
膀胱頸 膜部尿道 前列腺尿道 陰莖部尿道
the internal urethral sphincter is at the base of the bladder neck

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