Thursday, November 18, 2010

63 關節軟骨是一種特殊的組織,其內含有豐富的軟骨基質與膠原蛋白,請問其中膠原蛋白以那一類型最多?

ans type II

remember that most bone joints are joined by 2 bones: thus type 2


64 兒童肘內翻變形(cubitus varus deformity)最常由於下列何種傷害造成?
肱骨髁上骨折(humeral supracondylar fracture)
肱骨外髁骨折(humeral lateral condyle fracture)
尺骨鳥喙骨折(ulnar olecrannon fracture)
橈骨頸骨折(radial neck fracture)

ans A

cubitus vaRus - supRacondylar
cubitus vaLgus- Lateral condyle

in contrary to cubitus valgus:

it is the fracture of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus!!!!!


The lateral condyle fracture is a Salter-Harris IV fracture pattern and follows physeal injury principles. For more information about injuries of the growth plate, see Salter-Harris Fractures. The fracture fragments in these patients are primarily cartilaginous as a result of the young age of the patients. The radiographic interpretation may be misleading because the visible fragment appears smaller than the actual size and, in addition, the amount of displacement is not appreciated.

In lateral condyle fractures, the displacement is greater than appreciated, and incongruity of the articular surface is present. Fractures with minimal displacement must be carefully monitored, as they have a high tendency to displace. Once these displaced fractures consolidate in a malunited position, treatment is difficult, dangerous, and fraught with complications. For these reasons, surgical reduction should be performed and is recommended within the first 48 hours postfracture.7

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