Monday, November 15, 2010

5 有關腦星狀細胞瘤(astrocytoma)之敘述,下列何者錯誤?
WHO將星狀細胞瘤分為四等級,Grade I-IV Grade III,細胞病理有壞死(necrosis)

Grade III,細胞病理有壞死(necrosis)

The WHO-grading scheme is based on the appearance of certain characteristics:

These features reflect the malignant potential of the tumor in terms of invasion and growth rate.

Description of GradingAstrocytomas
*WHO Grade 1- Consist of slow growing astrocytomas, benign, and associated with longterm survival. Individuals with very slow growing tumors where complete surgical removal bystereotactic surgery is possible may experience total remission.[2] Even if the surgeon is not able to remove the entire tumor, it may remain inactive or be successfully treated with radiation.pilocytic astrocytomas,Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytomas,subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, andsubependymomasare uncommon tumors
*WHO Grade 2- Consist of relatively slow-growing astrocytomas, usually considered benign that sometimes evolve into more malignant or as highergrade tumors. They are prevalent in younger people who are often present with seizures. Median survival varies with the cell type of the tumor. Grade 2 astrocytomas are defined as being invasive gliomas, meaning that the tumor cells penetrate into the surrounding normal brain, making a surgical cure more difficult. People with oligodendrogliomas (which might share common cells of origin[3]) have better prognoses than those with mixed oligoastrocytomas, who in turn have better prognoses than patients with (pure) low-grade astrocytomas. Other factors which influence survival include age (younger the better) and performance status (ability to perform tasks of daily living). Due to the infiltrative nature of these tumors, recurrences are relatively common. Depending on the patient, radiation or chemotherapy after surgery is an option. Individuals with grade 2 astrocytoma have a 5-year survival rate of about 34% without treatment and about 70% with radiation therapy.[2] The median survival time is 4 years.[2]lowgraded astrocytomas or Fibrillary astrocytoma, mixed oligoastrocytoma
*WHO Grade 3- Consist of anaplastic astrocytomas. It is often related to seizures, neurologic deficits, headaches, or changes in mental status. The standard initial treatment is to remove as much of the tumor as possible without worsening neurologic deficits. Radiation therapy has been shown to prolong survival and is a standard component of treatment. Individuals with grade 3 astrocytoma have a median survival time of 18 months with treatment (radiation and chemotherapy).[2] There is no proven benefit to adjuvant chemotherapy or supplementing other treatments for this kind of tumor. Although temozolomide is effective for treating recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma, its role as an adjuvant to radiation therapy has not been fully tested.anaplastic astrocytoma
*WHO Grade 4-Consists of Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), which is the most common and most malignant primary brain tumor. Primary GBM grow and spread to other parts of the brain quickly; they can become very large before producing symptom, which often begin abruptly with seizures.[4] Less then 10% form more slowly following degeneration of low-grade astrocytoma or anaplastic astrocytoma. These are called secondary GBM and are more common in younger patients (mean age 45 versus 62 years).[3] "Surgical removal remains the mainstay of treatment, provided that unacceptable neurologic injury can be avoided. The extremely infiltrative nature of this tumor makes complete surgical removal impossible. Although radiotherapy rarely cures glioblastoma, studies show that it doubles the median survival of patients, compared to supportive care alone."[4] The prognosis is worst for these grade 4 gliomas. Few patients survive beyond 3 years. Individuals with grade 4 astrocytoma have a median survival time of 17[2] weeks without treatment, 30[2] weeks with radiation, and 37[2]weeks with surgical removal of most of the tumor followed by radiation therapy. Long term survival (at least five years) falls well under 3%.[5][6]Glioblastoma multiforme (GB

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