Saturday, November 13, 2010

43 下列何者並非allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis之主要診斷的要件(main diagnosis criteria)?
Bronchial asthma Peripheral eosinophilia Central bronchiectasis 暴露史

ans: history of exposure

oh my goodness! aspergillosis is a fungal infection

but asbestosis: is a chemical induced lung parenchyma fibrosis!!!!石棉

damn!!!! stupid me!


A complete blood count usually reveals eosinophilia more than 10% and there is a raised serum IgE more than 1000 ng/ml.

Chest radiography shows various transient abnormalities:

  • consolidation, infiltrates or collapse
  • thickened bronchial wall markings
  • peripheral shadows
  • signs of bronchiectasis, typically in a central location

Aspergillus specific tests[1]:

  • precipitating antibodies to aspergillus species in >90% of cases
  • aspergillus-specific IgE RAST test
  • skin-prick test is almost always positive to Aspergillus fumigatus

Fungal hyphae may be seen in the sputum.


The aim of treatment is to suppress the immune reaction to the fungus and to control bronchospasm.

The immune reaction is suppressed using oral corticosteroids:

  • a high dose of prednisolone or prednisone (30 to 45 mg per day) in acute attacks
  • a lower maintenance dose (5–10 mg per day)

Mucus plugs may be removed by bronchoscopic aspiration. It is almost impossible to eradicate the fungus but frequently itraconazole (an anti-fungal) is used in combination with steroid therapy, which often results in a reduction of the steroid dose required. Regular monitoring of the condition includes chest x-rays,pulmonary function tests, and serum IgE. The antibody levels usually fall as the disease is controlled, but they may rise again as an early sign of flare-ups. There are also case reports of the use of omalizumab in the treatment of ABPA.[2]

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