Friday, November 12, 2010

12 一位健康者站立且平靜呼吸時,有關肺通氣量(ventilation; V‧A)、血液灌流量(perfusion; Q‧)與肺順應性(lung compliance)之變化,下列敘述何者錯誤?
 肺通氣量:肺尖<肺底

answer is C

The main reason for lower V/Q ratios at the base is that both ventilation and perfusion increase when going from the apex to the base, but Q does it more strongly thus lowering the V/Q ratio. The principal factor involved in the genesis of V/Q dishomogeneity between the apex and the base of the lung is gravity (this is why V/Q ratios change in positions other than the orthostatic one).

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